Check it out, our second blog post already! Seems like just yesterday that we cut the ribbon on this site, and already we have a major announcement. Manta Press is thrilled to welcome a new author to our small, but growing team.
Ms. Donna Marie West joins us from a small town north of the border in Quebec, Canada. An educator, translator, freelance editor, and author of over 500 drabbles, short stories, and non-fiction articles, Donna brings us her second full-length novel, The Mud Man. A story about a 9,500-year-old man discovered alive and preserved in a thawing bog, The Mud Man has been hailed as “one of the most unique, emotional, engrossing novels I’ve read to date” by USA Today Bestselling author, Lily Luchesi, and “a stunning tale the likes of which you’ve never read before” by poet and author, John Irvine.
We at Manta Press are thrilled to be a part of bringing Donna’s novel to life, and equally excited to introduce the world to The Mud Man. (Go easy at first, he's a bit shy.) We thank Donna for choosing us to go on this journey with her. We are thrilled to welcome her to our team!