Welcome to The Breach, Manta Press’s official blog. This is where we’ll be coming up for air, taking a break from the everyday to bring you information that you could, but won’t want to live without. Sure, there will be some marketing from time to time, letting you know about a new book we’re about to release or a sale we might be having. (Businesses tend to last longer if they make a sale once in a while.) But we’ll also be bringing you industry news, book reviews, movie reviews, the occasional video game review, wild and creepy stories, and interviews with some very cool and interesting people. And as cool as they are, we don’t just mean authors. We’re talking ghost hunters, tarot card readers, mediums, people with some really interesting jobs, hobbies and stories to share. We’ll be announcing promotions, opportunities for free stuff. It’s going to be a whole thing. We at Manta Press are excited as H – E – double hockey sticks to take this journey, and we’d love nothing more than for you to take it with us. So, stay tuned, because we’re going to have some fun. Until next time…
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